Free Novel Read

FSF, December 2006 Page 18

  "Oh, no! I saw him speak to his dogs. They wagged their tails in delight to hear his voice. Saint, do your work! Let Blencathra fall on his head!"

  Saint Bridget sighed. “No, no, we cannot do that; but certainly he is wrong to steal your dinner. Perhaps it might be as well to teach him a lesson. Just a small one."

  At that moment John Uskglass and his court were preparing to go hunting. A cow wandered into the stable yard. It ambled up to where John Uskglass stood by his horse and began to preach him a sermon in Latin on the wickedness of stealing. Then his horse turned its head and told him solemnly that it quite agreed with the cow and that he should pay good attention to what the cow said.

  All the courtiers and the servants in the stable yard fell silent and stared at the scene. Nothing like this had ever happened before.

  "This is magic!” declared William of Lanchester. “But who would dare...?"

  "I did it myself,” said John Uskglass quickly.

  "Really?” said William. “Why?"

  There was a pause. “To help me contemplate my sins and errors,” said John Uskglass at last, “as a Christian should from time to time."

  "But stealing is not a sin of yours! So why...?"

  "Good God, William!” cried John Uskglass. “Must you ask so many questions? I shall not hunt today!"

  He hurried away to the rose garden to escape the horse and the cow. But the roses turned their red-and-white faces toward him and spoke at length about his duty to the poor; and some of the more ill-natured flowers hissed, “Thief! Thief!” He shut his eyes and put his fingers in his ears, but his dogs came and found him and pushed their noses in his face and told him how very, very disappointed they were in him. So he went and hid in a bare little room at the top of the castle. But all that day the stones of the walls loudly debated the various passages in the Bible that condemn stealing.

  John Uskglass had no need to inquire who had done this (the cow, horse, dogs, stones and roses had all made particular mention of toasted cheese); and he was determined to discover who this strange magician was and what he wanted. He decided to employ that most magical of all creatures—the raven. An hour later a thousand or so ravens were despatched in a flock so dense that it was as if a black mountain were flying through the summer sky. When they arrived at the Charcoal Burner's clearing, they filled every part of it with a tumult of black wings. The leaves were swept from the trees, and the Charcoal Burner and Blakeman were knocked to the ground and battered about. The ravens searched the Charcoal Burner's memories and dreams for evidence of magic. Just to be on the safe side, they searched Blakeman's memories and dreams too. The ravens looked to see what man and pig had thought when they were still in their mothers’ wombs; and they looked to see what both would do when finally they came to Heaven. They found not a scrap of magic anywhere.

  When they were gone, John Uskglass walked into the clearing with his arms folded, frowning. He was deeply disappointed at the ravens’ failure.

  The Charcoal Burner got slowly up from the ground and looked around in amazement. If a fire had ravaged the wood, the destruction could scarcely have been more complete. The branches were torn from the trees and a thick, black layer of raven feathers lay over everything. In a sort of ecstasy of indignation, he cried, “Tell me why you persecute me!"

  But John Uskglass said not a word.

  "I will make Blencathra fall on your head! I will do it! You know I can!” He jabbed his dirty finger in John Uskglass's face. “You—know—I—can!"

  The next day the Charcoal Burner appeared at Furness Abbey before the sun was up. He found the Almoner, who was on his way to Prime. “He came back and shattered my wood,” he told him. “He made it black and ugly!"

  "What a terrible man!” said the Almoner, sympathetically.

  "What saint is in charge of ravens?” demanded the Charcoal Burner.

  "Ravens?” said the Almoner. “None that I know of.” He thought for a moment. “Saint Oswald had a pet raven of which he was extremely fond."

  "And where would I find his saintliness?"

  "He has a new church at Grasmere."

  So the Charcoal Burner walked to Grasmere and when he got there, he shouted and banged on the walls with a candlestick.

  Saint Oswald put his head out of Heaven and cried, “Do you have to shout so loud? I am not deaf! What do you want? And put down that candlestick! It was expensive!” During their holy and blessed lives Saint Kentigern and Saint Bridget had been a monk and a nun respectively; they were full of mild, saintly patience. But Saint Oswald had been a king and a soldier, and he was a very different sort of person.

  "The Almoner at Furness Abbey says you like ravens,” explained the Charcoal Burner.

  "'Like’ is putting it a little strong,” said Saint Oswald. “There was a bird in the seventh century that used to perch on my shoulder. It pecked my ears and made them bleed."

  The Charcoal Burner described how he was persecuted by the silent man.

  "Well, perhaps he has reason for behaving as he does?” said Saint Oswald, sarcastically. “Have you, for example, made great big dents in his expensive candlesticks?"

  The Charcoal Burner indignantly denied ever having hurt the silent man.

  "Hmm,” said Saint Oswald, thoughtfully. “Only kings can hunt deer, you know."

  The Charcoal Burner looked blank.

  "Let us see,” said Saint Oswald. “A man in black clothes, with powerful magic and ravens at his command, and the hunting rights of a king. This suggests nothing to you? No, apparently it does not. Well, it so happens that I think I know the person you mean. He is indeed very arrogant and perhaps the time has come to humble him a little. If I understand you aright, you are angry because he does not speak to you?"


  "Well then, I believe I shall loosen his tongue a little."

  "What sort of punishment is that?” asked the Charcoal Burner. “I want you to make Blencathra fall on his head!"

  Saint Oswald made a sound of irritation. “What do you know of it?” he said. “Believe me, I am a far better judge than you of how to hurt this man!"

  As Saint Oswald spoke John Uskglass began to talk in a rapid and rather excited manner. This was unusual but did not at first seem sinister. All his courtiers and servants listened politely. But minutes went by—and then hours—and he did not stop talking. He talked through dinner; he talked through mass; he talked through the night. He made prophecies, recited Bible passages, told the histories of various fairy kingdoms, gave recipes for pies. He gave away political secrets, magical secrets, infernal secrets, Divine secrets, and scandalous secrets—as a result of which the Kingdom of Northern England was thrown into various political and theological crises. Thomas of Dundale and William of Lanchester begged and threatened and pleaded, but nothing they said could make the King stop talking. Eventually they were obliged to lock him in the little room at the top of the castle so that no one else could hear him. Then, since it was inconceivable that a king should talk without someone listening, they were obliged to stay with him, day after day. After exactly three days he fell silent.

  Two days later he rode into the Charcoal Burner's clearing. He looked so pale and worn that the Charcoal Burner was in high hopes that Saint Oswald might have relented and pushed Blencathra on his head.

  "What is it that you want from me?” asked John Uskglass, warily.

  "Ha!” said the Charcoal Burner with triumphant looks. “Ask my pardon for turning poor Blakeman into a fish!"

  A long silence.

  Then with gritted teeth, John Uskglass asked the Charcoal Burner's pardon. “Is there any thing else you want?” he asked.

  "Repair all the hurts you did me!"

  Immediately the Charcoal Burner's stack and hut reappeared just as they had always been; the trees were made whole again; fresh, green leaves covered their branches; and a sweet lawn of soft grass spread over the clearing.

  "Any thing else?"

  The Charcoal Burner clos
ed his eyes and strained to summon up an image of unthinkable wealth. “Another pig!” he declared.

  John Uskglass was beginning to suspect that he had made a miscalculation somewhere—though he could not for his life tell where it was. Nevertheless he felt confident enough to say, “I will grant you a pig—if you promise that you will tell no one who gave it to you or why."

  "How can I?” said the Charcoal Burner. “I do not know who you are. Why?” he said, narrowing his eyes. “Who are you?"

  "No one,” said John Uskglass quickly.

  Another pig appeared, the very twin of Blakeman, and while the Charcoal Burner was exclaiming over his good fortune, John Uskglass got on his horse and rode away in a condition of the most complete mystification.

  Shortly after that he returned to his capital city of Newcastle. In the next fifty or sixty years his lords and servants often reminded him of the excellent hunting to be had in Cumbria, but he was careful never to go there again until he was sure the Charcoal Burner was dead.

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  Curiosities: The Cruise of the Talking Fish, by W. E. Bowman (1957)

  British author W. E. Bowman published two eccentric spoofs of nonfiction adventure. The Ascent of Rum Doodle (1956) is a stiff-upper-lip mountaineering epic whose deeply incompetent team assails the unconquered 40,0001/2-foot Himalayan peak of the title. Setbacks abound, like the ghastly realization “We had climbed the wrong mountain."

  Now that party's leader, Binder, seeks new glory in a voyage that echoes The Kon-Tiki Expedition. “I name this raft Talking Fish.... Heaven help all who sail on her."

  The five-man crew's scientific goal is to trace the elusive talking fish of the Pacific. Underwater recordings hint at their language, whose words all sound like “blum-blum.” The team's naturalist has already trained a talking frog. His star oyster can distinguish 109 words, but, alas, “The vocal chords of the oyster were rudimentary.” Talking fish would be his breakthrough.

  To produce a best-selling travel book, one must suffer. Iron rations consist of sawdust and putty. Crewmen eagerly examine themselves for signs of emaciation. One, stuck between timbers and permanently half-immersed, refuses to be released. On a sawdust diet, he begins to grow bark.

  Surrealism increases as the crew's pet cats eat radioactive flying fish and go into temporal overdrive. They breed. Their kittens evolve oyster-opening tools, menacing the sapient mollusc. The kittens breed. Exponential growth soon produces untold thousands of mutant cats.

  This population bomb deserves a footnote in sf references, between Heinlein's flat cats in The Rolling Stones (1952) and David Gerrold's Star Trek tribbles (1967). Meanwhile, Binder's men remain flummoxed by the intractable philosophical problem of the International Date Line....

  —David Langford

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